Trans, non-binary and non-gender conforming people already experience unique forms of discrimination. This online event is intended to be a respectful and safe space for all.
Discrimination and respect: All forms of discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated. We recognise all people and their personal life situation as well as way of life. We respect the pronoun of other participants. If we are unsure about which pronoun to use, we ask.
Privacy: We do not share information entrusted to us with third parties. We respect the privacy of all participants and do not communicate personal information during or after the event. In particular, we avoid unwanted outings of other trans persons, which can quickly occur despite anonymisation.
Respect: We show consideration for all persons and adapt our statements and choice of words, e.g. if young people can listen.
Support: Inform us if you yourself experience or observe a violation of this Code. Also inform us if you do not want anything to be done about the situation. During the event, you can contact a host or send an email to .
Sanctions: All event participants, workshop leaders, speakers and organisation members are obliged to follow this code of conduct during the event. Those present who disregard this rule may be sanctioned or excluded from the event.
These recommendations and guidelines will help you to run an enriching workshop at the Trans Congress. The aim is to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe during the event.
Code of Conduct: Like all other participants, you will agree to our Code of Conduct. We rely on your cooperation to ensure that this code is adhered to in your workshop. This applies to you as well as to the participants in your workshop.
Gender-sensitive Language: We ask that you use gender-sensitive language and that you address people by their self-identified pronoun or not use a pronoun if it is so desired. We recommend that you practise your workshop using gender-sensitive language in advance if you are not familiar with it.
Timeliness: Start your workshop (or keynote) on time and end your workshop no later than the specified time. In the breakout rooms, a reminder will appear 10 minutes before the end of the workshop time and the breakout room session will automatically end (all participants will be back in the main meeting room).
Trigger Warning: If you are dealing with emotionally upsetting topics or experiences in your workshop, it is essential to explicitly mention this at the beginning of the workshop – even if it is already mentioned in the title and/or description. You must explicitly declare the following topics: physical and psychological violence, sexuality, experiences of discrimination, medical measures, body dysmorphia. (For example: I would like to point out that in this workshop we will discuss physical and psychological violence.)